000001 100100 100010 101110
000001 100100 100010 101110

000010 101011

010001 100100
010001 100100 100000 100011 001110 101101 100100
trustedshops logo header

010010 110011 100100 110001 101101 100100

000100 101000 101101 000000 001111 101011 100000

  • Three-dimensional wooden model of a planetary system that moves to the melody of the built-in music box
  • Music box plays “Memory” from the musical “Cats”
  • Neither glue nor additional tools are needed for assembly
  • Assembly takes approx. 4–5 hours
  • Illustrated manual included

010010 110011 100100 110001 101101 100100

000100 101000 101101 000000 001111 101011 100000

100000 110001 19958

100010 101110 101100
000011 100100 000000 101000 110010 110011 000000 101011 100100 101000 100011
29,95 € *
  • 101000

* 101000 101101 010010 100111

000011 100100 : 010010 110011 100100 110001 101101 100100

  • Three-dimensional wooden model of a planetary system that moves to the melody of the built-in music box
  • Music box plays “Memory” from the musical “Cats”
  • Neither glue nor additional tools are needed for assembly
  • Assembly takes approx. 4–5 hours
  • Illustrated manual included

010011 100111 101000 110010 000000 101111 110001 101110 100011 110100 100010 110011 000000 100011 100100
000100 110010 000000 101000 110010 110011 000000 101010 100100 101000 101101 000000 000110 100100 100111 100100 101000 101100 101101 101000 110010 000000 000000 100011 100000 110010 110010 000000 100011 100100 110001 000000 010110 100100 101011 110011 110001 100000 110100 101100 000000 100100 101000 101101 000000 010101 100000 101010 110100 110100 101100 000000 101000 110010 110011 000000 000000 001010 100100 101000 101101 000000 001100 110100 100010 101010 110010 000000 101000 110010 110011 000000 100011 100000 110001 101000 101101 000000 111001 110100 000000 100111 000000 000000 110001 100100 101101 000000 000000 010011 110001 101110 110011 111001 100011 100100 101100 000000 101111 100000 110010 110010 100100 101101 000000 100011 101000 100100 000000 000111 101000 101100 101100 100100 101011 110010 101010 000000 000000 110001 101111 100100 110001 000000 110100 101101 100011 000000 001100 110100 110010 101000 101010 000000 110110 110100 101101 100011 100100 110001 100001 100000 110001 000000 111001 110100 110010 100000 101100 101100 100100 101101 000000 000000 001000 110001 100110 100100 101101 100011 100100 110011 110110 100000 110010 000000 100111 100000 100001 100100 101101 000000 110010 101000 100100 000000 000000 100011 100000 110010 000000 100011 100100 101101 000000 001100 100100 101101 110010

010011 100100 100010
  • Contents: 84 parts, screwdriver, sandpaper, wax, illustrated instructions
  • Material: plywood, plastic, steel
  • Dimensions: 13.5 x 13.5 x 15.5 cm
  • Melody: Memory from the musical Cats
  • Recommended age: 14+